Well, at the moment this site is very much in development, although I expect most aspects to be functioning within 2 weeks. Please have a browse around and add any content which you can. If you've got any further ideas you think might be worth exploring, just let me know, I'm always looking to increase or improve the functionality of the site.
Currently renting the wharrad.com domain does mean that I can give all of you wharrad's out there a personalised email address. For example 'jack@wharrad.com'. From there I will just forward all your emails to whatever address you use at the moment, so you won't be missing out on anything. So if you're after something like that, let me know.
I'm also able to offer sub-domains of wharrad.com where you might want to host something, but I suppose if you know what I mean about sub-domains, then you know what to ask me for! I'm always near my email or IM, so drop me a line.
Oh and finally, I can understand why some of you may not want to be placed within the family tree. If you're there, but don't want to be shown, I can remove your name on request.
