Everyone likes something a little different right? Have to admit, also enjoy something I can write little gadgets for and customise. There are many many features for something so simple as this plastic animal, but there's not a lot more satisfying than having you very random people interacting with it.
OK, so I haven't finished the little 3d applet which will let you do anything you want through the bunny, but give me some time! For the moment though, feel free to send a little message using the box in the bottom right of the screen. When the rabbit receives this message, it reads it out for all in my house to here!
Oh, and just so you know what the rabbit looks like, here's a picture of the one Rob & Jo bought for me. It usually sits next to the coffee machine in the kitchen, but occasionally it'll be at my desk if I'm sitting here for long periods of time.

If you want some more information about this rabbit, take a look at the above web sites. |